Alternative Investing Redefined.

Creating and maximizing value throughout market cycles.

IRA Capital “IRA” is a leading private equity firm focused on alternative investments. Founded in 2010, IRA invests capital for its own account and on behalf of its co-investment partners, which include pension funds, institutions, and family offices. The firm primarily invests in commercial real estate assets throughout the United States, with an overweight concentration within the medical/healthcare real estate sector. IRA has established itself as a leader within its respective industries and markets, with deep relationships and a strong track record of profitability.

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Investment Strategies

IRA Capital invests in various asset classes across the risk spectrum with the expectation that projected returns for each investment are commensurate with the level of risk. Our team strives to maintain a diversified portfolio that prioritizes high-quality assets with durable cash flows. IRA’s disciplined investment approach is backed by data-driven research and analytics, which helps protect against downside while maximizing upside potential.





Making an Impact