Environmental, Social, Governance
IRA is dedicated to championing responsible investing with a firm commitment to long-term sustainability. Our adherence to ESG best practices aligns with our core belief that prioritizing the welfare of our stakeholders benefits all parties involved. Through a proactive approach, we actively seek ways to make a positive impact on the communities in which we invest, aspiring to create a meaningful difference.
Focus on reducing waste and using recyclable materials.
Seek to invest in new vintage properties that are energy and resource efficient.
Prioritization of LEED certification.
Opportunities to improve energy efficiency will be evaluated during asset due diligence.
Annual evaluation of real estate portfolio to identify new environmental initiatives
Promotion of environmentally friendly practices with our properties and operators including using recyclable materials and sourcing sustainable food
Community outreach and awareness of ESG with partners.
Focus on improving the lives of senior citizens, tenants, and patients.
Commitment to diversity in management including at the property-level.
Charitable giving and community outreach to promote benefits of ESG practices.
Encourage volunteering of residents and employees in their local communities
Provide safe and healing working environments for all employees and residents.
Strict oversight and compliance adhering to industry best practices.
High standards of conduct driven by commitment to opportunity, accountability, and integrity.
Strict compliance with government regulations and policy.
Establish on-going ESG initiatives and implementations.
Full disclosure and transparency with investors.
Quality controls and annual reviews on policy procedures.